Saturday, December 8, 2007

Ujian Diagnostik Tatabahasa
1 Penyeludup itu ditangkap __________ sedang memunggah barangan seludup dari kapal.

A jika

B ketika

C sambil

D setelah

2 Kaki Mohan terseliuh __________ patah?

A dan

B atau

C sambil

D ketika

3 Lori tanki itu terbalik ______________ terbakar.

A lalu

B akan

C serta

D sambil

4 Projek itu tetap dijalankan ___________ mendapat bantahan daripada penduduk kampung.

A meskipun

B sekiranya

C malahan

D lalu

5 Baju kurung itu tidak cantik ___________ selesa dipakai.

A dan

B tetapi

C serta

D sambil

6 ____________ pemimpin ______________ rakyat perlulah bersama-sama membangunkan negara.

A Baik…mahupun

B Entah…entah

C Sungguhpun…namun

D Walaupun…tetapi juga

7 ___________ pulang dari luar negeri, perangai Fuad agak ganjil.

A Sejak

B Serta

C Selama

D Sehingga

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

UPSR - Bahasa Inggeris Comprehension


Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

One sunny day, an ant was crawling along a branch of a tree. Suddenly, he slipped and fell into the river below.

The ant screamed for help as it could not swim. At that moment a white bird flew by. It heard the screams and looked around. It saw the little ant struggling in the water. The bird flew down and plucked a leaf with its beak. Then, it dropped the leaf in front of the ant. The ant quickly climbed onto it. The leaf floated to the edge of the river and the ant was saved.

Not long after that, a hunter went hunting in the jungle. He saw a bird sitting on a branch of a tree. The hunter quickly pointed his gun at the bird. At that time, the ant was searching for food. It saw the hunter pointing his gun at the same bird that helped it. Quickly, the ant crawled up the hunter’s leg and bit him. The hunter cried out in pain and missed his shot .The bird flew away. The ant was glad that it could save bird from being shot.

Construct: Knowledge of ComprehensionLevel : Medium

1 How did the ant fall into the river?

A It crawled along the branch and fell.

B It slipped and fell.

C It flew down.

Construct: Knowledge of ComprehensionLevel : Medium

2 The ant was_____________ .

A shot by the hunter

B drowned in the river

C saved by the bird

D saved by the hunter

Construct: Knowledge of ComprehensionLevel : Difficult

3 What is the story about?

A . Helping one another

B . Hunting is a good hobby

C . A very clever bird.

D . Two very good friends

Construct: Knowledge of ComprehensionLevel : Medium

4 From the story we know that the ant felt _________the bird.

A frightened of

B thankful to

C angry with

D happy for

Construct: Knowledge of ComprehensionLevel : Easy

5 The word ’it’ in the passage refers to the ____________ .

A ant

B bird

C leaf

UPSR - Bahasa Inggeris

Occupation : Paper 1

Questions 1 - 4: Choose the best word to fill in the blanks.

1 .Fiona sell flowers .She is a ________ .

A shopkeeper

B gardener

C florist

D farmer

2 .A butcher sells ______at the market.

A fish

B meat

C fruit

D vegetables

3. If you have a toothache go and see a ________ .

A doctor

B nurse

C surgeon

D dentist

4 .The _______paid RM5.00 to the taxi driver.

A customer

B spectator

C patient

D passenger

Question 5 - 7: Choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph.

5 .Yong is a painter. He is____________ .

A brushing the wall

B painting the wall

C cleaning the wall

D washing the wall

6 His friend, Boon is a carpenter. He is ________________ to make a window.

A sawing the wood

B cutting the wood

C knocking the wood

D chopping the wood

7 .Mr Lim, their employer is__________________ .

A scared of

B angry with

C happy with

D tired of

Question 8 .Study the picture carefully. Then choose the best answer.


A The boys are playing at the court.

B The boys are watching a football game.

C Adam is kicking the ball

Question 9 Choose the best word to fill in the blanks.

9 Roslan _______at a bank.

A work

B works

C worked

D working

Monday, November 26, 2007

UPSR - Tatabahasa - Kata Kerja


1. Kata kerja ialah kata yang menunjukkan perbuatan.

2. Perbuatan dilakukan oleh manusia, binatang, atau benda.

3. Kata kerja terbahagi kepada dua jenis, iaitu:

(a) kata kerja transitif (b) kata kerja tak transitif

4. Kata kerja transitif ialah kata kerja yang mesti diikuti objek selepasnya untuk membentuk predikat ayat.

Contoh : Kakak membasuh baju.

“Membasuh” ialah kata kerja transitif manakala “baju” pula ialah objek bagi kata kerja “membasuh”. “…membasuh baju.” merupakan predikat bagi ayat tersebut.

5. Kata kerja transitif dapat dibahagikan pula kepada dua, iaitu:

(a) kata kerja transitif dalam ayat aktifContoh : Puan Minah membuka pintu bilik.

(b) kata kerja transitif dalam ayat pasif.Contoh : Pintu bilik dibuka oleh Puan Minah.

6. Kata kerja tak transitif ialah kata yang tidak memerlukan objek selepasnya.

7. Kata kerja ini boleh berdiri sendiri sebagai frasa kerja untuk bertugas sebagai predikat ayat.

Contoh: Kumar berenang..

“Berenang” ialah kata kerja tak transitif yang tidak memerlukan objek selepasnya.

8. Kata kerja tak transitif terbahagi kepada dua, iaitu

(a) kata kerja tak transitif tanpa pelengkap

Contoh : Ibu saya masih tidur.

(b) kata kerja tak transitif berpelengkap

Contoh : Kami tinggal di Seremban.